Thursday, November 26, 2009


Area(a)- the number of square units contained in a two dimensional shape and also is the surface space a shape takes up..

Area of square and rectangle>>> Length x Width = Area

a four figure with opposite sides, parallel and equal

Height(h)- the perpendicular distance from the base to the opposite side.

Base(b)- side of a two dimensional closed figure.(SHAPE)



(b) is 5 cm and (h) is 3cm. Plug there values into a formula...

A = B X H

A= 5 x 3

A= 15cm

Monday, November 23, 2009



- Space Between Two Connection Lines



- An Angle That Is Less Than 90 dg.


Obtuse Angle

- An Angle that is greater than 90 dg. and less than 180 dg.


Right Angles

-Exactly 90 dg.


Straight Angle

- Exactly 180 dg.



- The Line That Divide And Angle In Two Equal Parts

- Equal Angles Are Marked With The Same Symbol dg.



1. Fold Paper


Method 2. Use Compass Make An Are From The Vertex That Crosses Both Arms.


2. Make An Are From Point X and Y They Must Be Equal Size.

3. Draw A Line From Point B To The Are Intersection.


Method 3. Use A Protractor

1. Measure The Angle DEF 140 dg.

2. Divide Your Angle Measurement By 2

140 dg. Divided By 2 = 70 dg.

3. Make A Mark At 70 dg. Using Protractor Labeled Q

Y. Join Point Q With The Vertex With A Straight Line


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bisecting Perpendicular Lines


Bi means two.
Sect means cut.
So if you put it together, bisect means to cut in two.

A perpendicular bisector is a line that divides another line segment in half and is at right angles or 90 degrees.
Remember that equal line segments are marked with "hash" marks.

Ways to Make a Perpendicular Bisector:

- Use a right triangle.
- Use a ruler.
- Use a compass

1. Make an arc from point A that is greater than half way.
2. Make an equal sized arc from point B.
3. Connect the arc intersections with a straight line. That line is a perpendicular bisector.

Here is a video for all of you to enjoy and hopefully it will help you understand bisecting more.

** Today's Homework**
Draw a 12 centimeter line segment and label it PQ. Draw the perpendicular bisector of this segment using all three ways. Label the point where they intersect R.

Remember that there is going to be a test tomorrow on perpendicular, parallel and bisecting line segments. So everyone please study hard.(:

Please comment on my blog and please point out any mistakes I made.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How to Draw Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

How to Draw Parallel Lines

  1. fold and label paper like so:

  2. use a ruler and set square like so:

How to Draw Perpendicular Lines

  1. fold paper like so:

2. use protractor like so:

Pages 86-88 #1-16 is HOMEWORK!!!
Here is a quick link to save you the trouble of typing.

If you still have trouble with perpendicular lines, here's a video.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Parallel and Perpendicular lines

Parallel and Perpendicular lines

Geometry- shapes and measurements.

Parallel- describes two lines in the same plane that never cross, or intersect.

- they are marked using arrows.

Perpendicular- describes lines that intersect at right angles. ( 90°)

- they are marked using a small square. ________________________________________________________________

measure the diference from:

A to B

B to C

E to F

F to G

I to J

J to K

they all are 8.9 cm.


identify any parallel lines you can find.

AE // BF, EI // FJ, CG // BF, GK // JF, AI // CK

what d0 you notice about parallel lines? they always are the same distance apart no metter where you measure, as long as you measure a perpedicular line.

identify any perpendicular line segments.

AE __ DF , FE __ AI , BF __ EG , CG __ FH

What do you notice about perpendicular line segments? they all meet at 60° angles.


here is a link to a video i watched about line parallel and perpendicular lines.



#1. Are line segments AC and DF parallel?

#2. Are line segments DF and BE perpendicular?

#3. Are line segments AC and BE perpendicular? How do you know?

#4. Would a line segment joining A to D be parallel to a line segment BE? How do you know?

Monday, November 9, 2009


Due to the Remembrance day service we will only have a test on Thursday. Be sure to study each night this week.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Term Test

A reminder that we have a quiz on Tuesday, covering adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals. Order of operations will be covered on the test as well.

Lastly, we have a Term Test on Thursday it will cover the entire term's worth of work. Be sure to start studying now, do not wait until the last minute!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Test Answers and Homework.

Today's Test.

Number of the test is : 8497.365

1. Half of the number of the test is: 4248.6825

2. Write the number of the test in expanded form: 8000 + 400 + 90 + 7 + 0.3 + 0.06 + 0.005

3. Write the number of the test in written form: Eight thousand, four hundred ninety-seven and three hundred, sixty-five thousandths.

4. Round the number to the nearest 100: 8500

5. What Digit is in the tenths place: 3

6. The number of the test doubled is: 16994.73

7. 123.45 more than the number is: 8620.815

8. 987.65 less than the number is: 7509.715

9. (You do not have to answer this)

10. Cube, the digit in the ones place: 7 x 7 x 7 = 49 x 7 = 343 (No, not 7x3.)

11. Square, the digit in the hundreds place: 4 x 4 = 16

12. Divide the number by 3.55 and round to the nearest hundreths: 2393.62

13. The product of all digits in the number of the test is: 181440

*Please comment and tell me what I did wrong if there are mistakes. I will edit it to make sure it's right.

Todays Homework:

Pg. 71-73 #4-24 .. First do even, after do odd numbers. (
ex: first do answers 4, 6, 8, etc. then do 5, 7, 9, etc.)


PLEASE study for the test next week. Sorry to tell you guys but .. WE 7-43 HAVE 2 tests next week, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Number Of The Day

Today's number of the day is: 2691.348

1. Half of the number of the day is: 1345.674

2. Write the number of the day in expanded form: 2000 + 600 + 90 + 1 + 0.3 + 0.04 + 0.008

3. Write the number of the day in written form: Two thousand, six hundred, ninety one and three hundred, forty-eight thousandths.

4. Round the number of the day to the nearest 100: 2700

5. What is the digit in the tenths place: 3

6. The number of the day doubled is: 5382.696

7. 123.45 more than the number is: 2814.798

8. 987.65 less than the number is: 1703.698

(You don't need to do number 9)
10. Cube the digit in the ones place: 1 x 1 x 1 = 1
11. Square the digit in the hundreds place: 6 x 6 = 36
12. Divide the number by 3.55 and round to the nearest hundredth: 758.13
13. Product of all the digits in the number of the day is: 2 x 6 x 9 x 1 x 3 x 4 x 8 = 10368
* If I did any wrong, please tell me what I did wrong and how to do it properly (:
*Pages 71 - 73, # 4 - 24 ( Even numbers only) in textbook work was assigned to us although it is not homework. Next class we will continue where you guys left off.
*For people who didn't make up a math equation that equals to 6 for letter G (yesterday's homework).. make sure that you do one to get marks!
*Tomorrow's test will be on number of the day! So make sure you know how to do them properly. If you have any questions just comment.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What is BEDMAS?

Today at math we were learning BEDMAS.

1st B
- ( brackets )
2nd E- exponents 32, 43
3rd D- division
4th A- addition
----S- subtraction

BEDMAS describes as the order of operations or the order of which you operate an equation.

To practice our knowledge, we were given equations to solve:

A. 2+3x4=


B. 10-6÷2=







E. 8÷22=



F. 4x3÷2+5=




G. Create an equation that includes +, -, x, ÷, exponents, and brackets. The answer will equal 6. You can't repeat any number more than once and you can't use zero. Explain why you think my equation is right or wrong. If wrong, give an equation that is right and tell me what I did wrong.

This is the equation I got to get my answer:







Monday, November 2, 2009

What we learnd today

Today we did number of the day and we work on something called order of operation. We a word called BED MAS. B is for brackets, E is for exponents, D is for division, M is for multiplication, A is for addition and S is for subtraction. Addition and Subtractions are brothers.multiplication and division are sisters.1 brackets are (3+1) 2 Exponents are 52 3 divide or multiply in order from left to right 4 addition or subtraction in order from left to right.
(1.75-0.5) times (4.2\0.6+7.3-1.2
0.70 times ( 4.2 \ 0.6) + 7.3 -1.2
0.70 times 7 + 7.3 - 1.2
4.9+6.1 =11

What sign goes were
3.4 =3.4

2 times 3 \ 6 + (2-1)
2 times 3 \ 6 + 1
6 \ 6 + 1
1+1 = 2

Annie has been asked to calculate 1.7 + 6 \2. she claims the answer is 3.85. do you agree or disagree? Explain why or why not. I think it is wrong because I 1.7 + 6 \ 2 then 1.7 + 3=4.7 so I think it is wrong. (its a pic)
the best song ever :D